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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Android Review: Jewels-MHGames

This app is by MHGames. I found another Jewels game, but will review at a later date.

Before I start playing: The interface if very easy to follow and clean. You have 4 different modes you can choose from: normal, timed, quick, and infinite. All the modes aren't really that different. Normal is like freeplay. Timed has a timer that you have to beat. Quick is also timed, but you have more time to play. Infinite is like normal play.

The game is very responsive to finger touch. Very easy to move gems to make chains. Also if you can't find a gem to move, the gem that doesn't match the chain will sparkle letting you know that there is a chain nearby.

This version is free.

Rating: 5/5

Android Review: X-Construct

Before I start so there isn't any confusion. In the app store this game is called X-Construction (paid version) and X-Construction Lite (free version). Also this app requires an Android 2.1 or above.

In this game you build a bridge to get a train across a valley safely without the bridge breaking. The graphics are pretty good for it being a game on a phone. The sounds can be a bit loud if you aren't paying attention. When you play the video for the train to cross the bridge you can hear trains going across a train track which is pretty neat. Also if the bridge fails you will hear screaming from the passengers on the train.

I have to add that I played this game for over 2 hours and never got bored with it, because you have to keep at it to finally pass some of the levels, because you don't know what to except to happen when you hit play to watch the train cross the bridge. Sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed. Just depends your bridge and how many cars are on the train.

The paid version is $1.35. In the paid version you don't have to worry about ads, you get a free build mode and you also get more levels and materials in future updates.

The downfall is if you get the free version and you decide you want the paid, you have to start all over again, because the two doesn't share a save function.

Rating: 4/5

Thursday, February 10, 2011

PC Game Review: Two Worlds II

This game's play style is a lot like the other RPG's like oblivion. The graphics were nicely done and the introduction made for a great entry for a new player. 

Right at the start screen you have the option of customizing your character. This is definitely something I look for in games that I play as it adds a more personal touch.

One thing that I found that was really off, was the voice-over and animation of the mouths. The words and mouth movements were hardly ever in sync. Also, the characters were repeating the same movements during the speech segments. It felt very robotic and the story lost some its appeal for me.

I did, however, enjoy the gameplay itself. The player can chose to be a warrior, archer, or magic user. There was also a whole inventory system and skill points. I can see this as a game that is played over a span of time instead of beating in only hours. With that being said, I would recommend this game to a friend, as long as they don't mind the few annoyances in the story scenes. 

View game in the Steam Store here

Rating: 4/5

Monday, February 7, 2011

iPhone Game Review: Angry Balls

Not like Angry Birds! I didn't expect this game to be like Angry Birds in any way to begin with but I'm just getting that out there first. The good things about this game are the sounds, music, and graphics. The bad? As far as I can tell the main problem with the game was the lack of difficulty in the levels and the controls were hard at times. 

To beat a level, you must shoot the ball towards its target. This became a problem when the ball was positioned at the edge of the screen. I found it hard to maneuver the aiming correctly in these cases. 

Because of the frustration caused by the controls I do not think this is a game I'd want to continue to play in the future. Luckily it was only $0.99. :)

View game in the App Store here

Rating: 3/5

Saturday, February 5, 2011

PC Game Review: Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World

Before playing this game I wasn't quite sure as to what to expect from it. The description for it in the Steam store seemed a little vague and the screenshots only consisted of the art aspect. 

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this game after only the first 5 minutes of play! I have played a lot of Hidden Object games in the past and this had bits of those within it. There is a unique storyline and the characters have personalities. Crazy, right?! The artwork is beautifully done all throughout the game.

One can spend a lot of time playing this as there are so many "nooks and crannies" to explore. I found myself literally scanning the screen back and forth with my mouse until I got a magnifying class over an object to take a closer look at it. 

Overall, this is a game I would recommend to a friend, in fact I already did, but I do feel the price tag may be a bit much when compared to other games that are like it.

View game in the Steam Store here

Rating: 4/5

Thursday, February 3, 2011

iPhone Game Review: Caligo Chaser

This is pretty much a hack and slash RPG. There is a story and characters to get to know. The animation is great as is the rest of the graphics. The one thing that I found a little annoying at times, however, was the dialogue. It seemed to go on forever when all I was really interested in was getting to the killing! Of course, this is only my personal opinion and I feel that anyone who loves to hear the story within a game would love this. 

The controls were large which is a plus but they can also be a pain to find due to their low transparency and seemed to be unresponsive at times.  

This game is best played with a lot of free time as you will not want to put it down after only a few minutes!

Overall I would say that this game is worth the $2.99 if you have it. It won't break the bank which is always great! There is a lot of play value and potential in this game.

View game in the App Store here.

Rating: 3.9/5

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mac Game Review: Awesome Memory

Awesome Memory pretty much explains itself in the title. It is a memory game that tests the player's memory skills using cards. It's exactly like the kind of game you'd play as a kid with your parents deck of cards - flipping them over two at a time so see if you've got your match.

The game does have a few modes where the amount of cards can be small or large. This is great as it adds to the play value. There isn't much to the sounds and no music at all but the game is visually compelling. 

Since the game is free I won't complain too much but I did feel like I wanted more from this after playing it. It is lacking high score capabilities and multiplayer (which I think would be great). There is a pro version with a lot of great additions and I feel that it is worth it in this case to purchase. There is a lot of fun to be had here!

View game in the App Store here.

Rating: 4/5